A Country Walk

Living Life in The Country

Either Fish or Cut Bait!

This nugget of southern origin means just what it implies.  Either work or get out of the way.  But I think it could mean a few different things with the same gist.  Either participate in progress or complain about the lack thereof.  Or maybe step up to the plate or get out of the game.  I suppose you could apply this little gem to so many either or’s.  But in reality it is a pretty safe motto to live by.  You can spend your whole life cutting bait or cast your line into a beautiful stream or a serene pond.  Your hands full of blood and guts versus you rod bent half way over challenging a big mouth bass to a duel. 

Your head can always be down and life will pass you by or you can look up and participate in life.  I wonder if I always fish rather than cut bait.  I think I am gaining on the fishing end and putting the cutting bait in my rearview mirror.  I am moving really moving not just existing but accomplishing things.  They are small but they are far bigger than what I accomplished a week ago, a month ago or even a year ago.  Moving forward is becoming my normal.  I have been in a sort of suspended animation for so long that I had forgotten how much I like to laugh, cut up, sing (yes, sing), listen to music, joke about all the ridiculous things I see and swim for hours.  So I guess the bare knuckle idea of this southern saying is quite simply live or die.  Simple really.

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