A Country Walk

Living Life in The Country

My Mini Projects!

After removing our broke down canopy by the pool, I was left with a couple of galvanized tin buckets.  I started to imagine what I could do with them and ultimately decided to plant herbs in them.  They looked anything but presentable after three seasons of exposure to the elements, so I decide they needed a makeover.  I couldn’t decide on a motif for my repurposed buckets and batted around several ideas before settling on stripes and flowers.  I had just finished repainting my resin chickens that had been pretty beat up after falling off the deck railing and getting chipped.  The colors on the chickens was not really attractive so I took this opportunity to refinish them in a more pleasing palette of colors.  I painted them in deep red, cream and tangerine yellow-orange.  They already had raised designs on them so I incorporated that into my design and alternated the color scheme to make them different from each other but still matching.  They turned out great so I thought why not use the same technique on my repurposed buckets.

I painted one with alternating stripes in turquoise, chocolate-brown, cream and lime green.  The second bucket got the same color scheme but I chose random daisy-like flowers to incorporate my colors on the chocolate background.  They turned out great and hubby thankfully helped give them a good coat of poly sealer to protect them from the elements better.  I am now hooked on this painting in themes and have searched my house over looking for the next item to decorate.  I have a Buddha who needs some TLC.  I wonder what theme I should choose for him!

My colorful outdoor chicken statues…reborn!

Fred and Ethel

Fred and Ethel

My “new” and “improved” farm buckets!

The buckets...part Deux!

The buckets…part Deux!


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