A Country Walk

Living Life in The Country

So This Is “Upcycling”

I have recently become smitten with the entire culture of upcycling.  It seems recycling has gone the way of the dinosaur and upcycling is the wave of the future.  Technically the term upcycling means “the process of converting waste materials or useless products into new materials or products of better quality or for better environmental value.”  This stoic definition belies a really great way to decorate, recreate and reimage the old into something cool and interesting.  I have cruised upcycling websites for weeks now and have cherry-picked some really great projects.  My first project will be the BBQ Grill Herb Garden and following that, the Pallet Coffee Table.  Hopefully, in the following weeks, I will get around to the Bed Bench and maybe even the Book Birdhouse.  I am excited to see what I can create and I will share my progress….good and bad.  I hope to document the basic instructions and relay any pitfalls to watch out for in case anyone else wants to try their hand at one of my upcycling projects.  I guess my new motto is “if at first it was useful, try to make it useful again!”


Update:  The grill has been planted so look for pics of the before and after in the coming weeks!

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